GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Raptors (scouts) 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Fauna – Birds / Fauna – Birds
raptors scouts 6 x 450 fcfa gb3335 1408 1413 2345 2350
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Koalas 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Fauna – All others
koalas 6 x 450 fcfa gb3334 1402 1407 2351 2356
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Modern trains 4000 FCFA S/S
Theme: Transports – Trains / Transports – Trains
modern trains 4000 fcfa s s gb3333 179 2414 bl 421
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Modern trains 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Transports – Trains / Transports – Trains
modern trains 6 x 450 fcfa gb3332 1396 1401 2408 2413
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
New Chinese Year 6 x 450 FCFA (Year of Dragon)
Theme: Art – Chinese / Art – Chinese / China – Year of Dragon
new chinese year 6 x 450 fcfa year of dragon gb3331 1390 1395 2369 2374
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Hieroglyphs 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Art – All others
hieroglyphs 6 x 450 fcfa gb3330 1384 1389 2339 2344
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Seven wonders of the world 3000 FCFA S/S
Theme: Culture / Culture
seven wonders of the world 3000 fcfa s s gb3329 178 2400 bl 419
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Seven wonders of the world 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Culture / Culture / Architecture
seven wonders of the world 6 x 450 fcfa gb3328 1378 1383 2394 2399
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Great compositors (Bob Marley) 3000 FCFA S/S
Theme: Music – Music Stars
great compositors bob marley 3000 fcfa s s gb3327 177 2338 bl 417
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Pompeii 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Culture / Culture
pompeii 6 x 450 fcfa gb3325 1366 1371 2375 2380
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
American Indians 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: America
american indians 6 x 450 fcfa gb3324 1360 1365 2357 2362
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Carnival of Brasilia 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Culture
carnival of brasilia 6 x 450 fcfa gb3323 1354 1359 2363 2368
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Fire engines of New York 3000 FCFA S/S
Theme: Transports – Fire engines
fire engines of new york 3000 fcfa s s gb3322 176 2393 bl 418
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Fire engines of New York 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Transports – Fire engines
fire engines of new york 6 x 450 fcfa gb3321 1348 1353 2387 2392
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Impressionistes 4 (Gauguin) 4500 FCFA S/S
Theme: Art – French
impressionistes 4 gauguin 4500 fcfa s s gb3320 175 2331 bl 416
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Impressionistes 4 (Gauguin, Degas, Van Gogh, Cezanne, Monet, Manet) 6 x 500 FCFA
Theme: Art – French
impressionistes 4 gauguin degas van gogh cezanne monet manet 6 x 500 fcfa gb3319 1342 1347 2321 2326
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Impressionistes 3 (Cezanne) 2500 FCFA S/S
Theme: Art – French
impressionistes 3 cezanne 2500 fcfa s s gb3318 174 2327 bl 412
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Impressionistes 3
Theme: Art – All others / Art – All others
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Impressionists 2 (Degas) 3500 FCFA S/S
Theme: Art – French
impressionists 2 degas 3500 fcfa s s gb3316 173 2329 bl 414
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Impressionistes 2 (Renoir, Sisley, Morisot, Pissaro,Degas, Monet) 6 x 300 FCFA
Theme: Art – French
impressionistes 2 renoir sisley morisot pissaro degas monet 6 x 300 fcfa gb3315 1330 1335 2303 2308
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Impressionists 1 (Renoir) 4000 FCFA S/S
Theme: Art – All others
impressionists 1 renoir 4000 fcfa s s gb3314 172 2330 bl 415
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Impressionists 1 (Courbet) 3000 FCFA S/S
Theme: Art – French
impressionists 1 courbet 3000 fcfa s s gb3313 171 2328 bl 413
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Impressionistes 1 (Renoir, Boudin, Caillebotte, Seurat, Guillaumin, Courbet) 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Art – French
impressionistes 1 renoir boudin caillebotte seurat guillaumin courbet 6 x 450 fcfa gb3312 1324 1329 2315 2320
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Art of Japanese 3500 FCFA S/S
Theme: Art – Japanese
art of japanese 3500 fcfa s s gb3311 170 2407 bl 420
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Art of Japanese 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Art – Japanese
art of japanese 6 x 450 fcfa gb3310 1318 1323 2401 2406
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Athens 2004 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Sport – All others / Sport – All others / Sport – Tennis / Sport – Table tennis
athens 2004 6 x 450 fcfa gb3309 1312 1317 2381 2386
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Celebrities 3 (Fleming-Jean-Henry Fabre) 3000 FCFA S/S
Theme: Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others
celebrities 3 fleming jean henry fabre 3000 fcfa s s gb3308 169 2434 bl 423
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Celebrities 3 (Galilee-J.Verne, J.A.Fabre, Fleming, Tazief, Pavarotti-Verdi, Walesa-J.Paul II) 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – Pope (John Paul II) / Mushrooms
celebrities 3 galilee j verne j a fabre fleming tazief pavarotti verdi walesa j paul ii 6 x 450 fcfa gb3307 1306 1311 2415 2420
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Celebrities 2 (E.Presley-M.Monroe) 3500 FCFA S/S
Theme: Celebrities – Elvis Presley / Celebrities – Elvis Presley
celebrities 2 e presley m monroe 3500 fcfa s s gb3306 168 2436 bl 425
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Celebrities 2 (Kasparov-Diana) 3000 FCFA S/S
Theme: Sport – Chess / Sport – Chess / Russia / Celebrities – Princess Diana
celebrities 2 kasparov diana 3000 fcfa s s gb3305 167 2435 bl 424
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Celebrities 2 (Mandela, Dunant, Einstein-Newton-Gagarin, Karpov-J.Paul II, H.Senghor) 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Celebrities – Pope (John Paul II) / Celebrities – Pope (John Paul II) / Celebrities – Nelson Mandela / Russia
celebrities 2 mandela dunant einstein newton gagarin karpov j paul ii h senghor 6 x 450 fcfa gb3304 1300 1305 2421 2426
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Celebrities 1 (O.B.Powel – scouts) 3000 FCFA S/S
Theme: Fauna – Butterflies / Fauna – Butterflies
celebrities 1 o b powel scouts 3000 fcfa s s gb3303 166 2433 bl 422
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Celebrities 1 (J.Paul II) 3500 FCFA S/S
Theme: Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – Pope (John Paul II)
celebrities 1 j paul ii 3500 fcfa s s gb3302 165 2437 bl 426
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Celebrities 1 (Mucha, O.B.Powell, Darwin, P.E. Victor, Copernic, J.Paul II,Vazarley) 6 x 450 FCFA
Theme: Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Fauna – Dinosaurs / Fauna – Dogs
celebrities 1 mucha o b powell darwin p e victor copernic j paul ii vazarley 6 x 450 fcfa gb3301 1294 1299 2427 2432
GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2003
Great compositors(D. Bowie, E. John, J. Henndrix, F. Domino, J. Lennon, B. White) 6 x 350 FCFA
Theme: Music – Music Stars
great compositors d bowie e john j henndrix f domino j lennon b white 6 x 350 fcfa gb3326 1372 1377 2332 2337